- As A Man Thinketh
- America Founded on Christianity
- Christian Counseling
- Bible Enrichment & Course Review
- Black African Study, After Noah’s Flood
- Basic Bible Knowledge
- Angel Dispensation
- Ancient Bible History I & II Egyptian, Jewish & Greek
- Advanced Bible Compensation
- Christian Orientation
- Bible Chronology I $ II
- Book of The Revelation I & II
- Bible Interpretation, Comprehension and Pronunciation
- Health and Wholeness – Holy Communion
- Teaching on Grace
- Homeletics Handbook by Andy Wallace
- 66 Books of Bible Study
- As A Man Thinketh by James Allen
- America Founded on Christianity
- America Our Christian Nation (That’s topic)
- Christians & Finances
Please bring your Bible, a notebook and something to write with to each class.
Classes begin the last Saturday in August, 2023, and classes are held the last
Saturday of each month beginning at 8:30 AM.
Thank you for choosing Holy Bible Faith Center School of Theology to further
your Christian education. God bless you and always remember that Jesus took 39
stripes for us to be healed of every sickness and disease. He shed His blood on
Calvary for us on the cross to be saved and to have life more abundantly. Let’s
live students, and declare the works of the Lord. Let’s make a difference with our
lives to help others come to Christ.
Special thanks to Dr. Russell Benoit of the
Lord’s Outreach School of Theology, Lake Charles, LA., for all of
his wisdom and knowledge in Christ.
School accreditation awarded by:
Trans World Accrediting Commission International
231 E. Alessandro Blvd.
Riverside, CA. 92508
Books used in our theology classes:
- Journey of a Lifetime * A 52 Lesson Study of the Bible by Tommy C. Higle
- Bible Legacy of the Black Race * by Minister Joyce Andrews
- The Lost Legacy of Ham * by Minister Joyce Andrews
- King James Version of The Holy Bible
- You Are A Star Right Where You Are * by Minister Joyce Andrews
- Serpent in the Sky: The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt * by John Anthony
West - Greek Study Bible King James Version
- Key Word Study Bible
- A Study Bible of your choice